
Searching for Mr. Rugoff

With 5 years of filming, there were sure to be great moments that ended up on the cutting room floor. We hope to someday create an oral history out of the footage that was captured, but in the meantime, we’ll be releasing some outtakes that we feel are particularly interesting. Enjoy.

Roger Corman Outtake

Roger Corman Outtake

It was 7 years ago this week that I heard Roger Corman was being honored at Michael Moore’s Traverse City Film Festival, an event that I have attended yearly for quite some time. It dawned on me that this was an opportunity to capture one of those interviews for my yet to be defined project. I reached out to Michael and asked if I could interview Roger at the festival. The resulting interview was just as informative and colorful as I had hoped, but as my project took shape, it turned out that Roger did not make the final cut.

In any case, below is a small portion of that interview.

In Memory of Meyer Ackerman

In Memory of Meyer Ackerman

In memory of the late Meyer Ackerman, here is a little piece of an interview I did with him. Meyer was one the great art film impresarios, and I booked many a film with him at the 68th Street Playhouse and the Fine Arts in Scarsdale. He left a major imprint on our cinephile world.